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Your Certified Trane Comfort Specialists

In South-Central PA? Call Us Today.

Heating & Cooling Experts for Chambersburg, PA & Beyond

Why do more home and business owners in South Central Pennsylvania choose Mann Plumbing & Heating, LLC.? We’re a trustworthy company that provides solid ground for customers to enjoy comfort, system performance, and savings in Chambersburg, PA and beyond. Our highly skilled technicians maintain a track record of consistent quality for heating, cooling, and plumbing solutions.

Residents and businesses can count on us for Trane® heating and air conditioning products and their reliable quality and optimal performance. Trane® products also ensure you get value for your money and peace of mind that your home or building stays comfortable. We have more than 30 years of expertise in plumbing that’s unmatched in the area. Our mission is to earn your trust and loyalty by giving you honest answers, friendly and personal service, and lasting results on every project. Bring your plumbing and HVAC needs to Mann Plumbing & Heating, LLC. to raise your comfort and convenience and lower your costs.

Our Versatile Services for Your Home or Business

Mann Plumbing & Heating, LLC. has ample experience helping residential and commercial customers like you with a wide array of issues. We do heating, cooling,  gas lines, excavations, plumbing, line-locating, and more. See a glimpse of our featured services below:
